DeepTone | Fat Cure
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Rest your muscles, you’ll get faster results.

Take out aerobic activities in the beginning. If you do a lot of vigorous aerobic activity, you may not allow your muscles enough time to rest adequately and this could actually prevent you from seeing fast results. Remember, it’s during rest days that your muscle fibers heal and recover.

Don’t workout the next day or the next…

This is the process by which you increase your muscle mass. Working out the next day is counter-productive, as you will only tear down your muscles more. DeepTone® instructors can modify any of our programs for professional athletes.

To lose fat you need to gain muscle.

That’s the key to burning more fat, calories or cellulite and losing inches along with healthy eating habits.

Burn more calories!

DeepTone can help you increase your muscle mass and boost your metabolism. If you have muscle mass, you will burn more calories sitting than someone who has no muscle mass. Don’t confuse muscle mass with massive muscles. Our intention here is NOT to make you look like body builders. Most of our clients are interested in achieving a more lean-trim and fit-look.

DeepTone… thinner & more toned in 3-5 workouts.

Each person’s body and metabolism varies, but DeepTone clients have reported dramatic and visible changes after only a few classes. This includes weight loss, inch loss, toning and strength gains.

DeepTone is not a magic pill. It is hard work that works. With the Once A Week® workout and nutrition program, you should see results far sooner than you would with a traditional exercise program.


